自然道 Jinen-Dō
武 / 醫 /農 / 自然回帰 / 自然環境保全
Martial arts / Healing / Natural farming / Living as nature
Natural environmental conservation
Dojo of Jinen-Dō "Shinken-souan"
The dojo has been built in the early spring in 2024.
自然道とは About Jinen-Dō
“Jinen-dō” is a way of life in which oneself is as a part of nature through martial arts training and daily life at our Dojo at the foot of a mountain.
自然道の神伝武術 About Jinen-Dō Martial arts
Jinen-dō Shinden Bujutusu is a comprehensive martial system focused on preserving and applying the methods of realizing physical and spiritual unification. Jinendō training within the dojo includes taijutsu, jujutsu, iai-jutsu, kogusoku-jutsu, ken-jutsu, bō-jutsu, aiki-jutsu, naginata-jutsu, kusarigama-jutsu, torinawa-jutsu, jutte-jujutsu and shuriken-jutsu. Jinendōcurriculum is not limited to the training in the Dōjo but is extended to all aspects of daily life.
The Curriculum Of Jinen-Dō Martial arts
初伝レベルでは、「固体」に焦点を当て、適切な体の姿勢と動き、受け身、基本的な護身術、基本的な剣術、棒術の重要な概念を実践者に紹介します。 稽古は技ベースです。
中伝レベルは「流体」に着目。 柔術と瞑想法がカリキュラムの大部分を占めています。 呼吸法と急所術も、中伝の流体法の主要な部分です。 中伝では技による稽古に、乱取りの稽古も加えてきます。
Jinendō curriculum is broken into four major levels of transmission, which are Shoden, Chuden, Okuden, and Shinden.
Shoden level focuses on the “solid body” and introduces practitioners to the important concepts of proper body posture and movement, ukemi, basic self-defense, basic kenjutsu, and bō-jutsu. Practice is waza based.
Chuden level focuses on the “flowing body”. Taijutsu and meditation methods for locating and opening the Tanden make up the bulk of the curriculum. Breathing techniques and pressure points are also a major part of the flowing methods of Chuden. In addition to the practice through waza, the practice of randori is also crucial to the flowing practice of Chuden Level.
The third level or Okuden is centered on the “energy body”, with the practice of aiki-jujutsu, ki-healing, mudra and moving meditation methods. Only those that have received proficiency in Okuden and have begun introduction to the Shinden may qualify.
自然道 神伝武術の特異性
The Uniqueness Of Jinen-Dō Martial arts
自然道の鍛錬は武道の稽古にとどまらず日常生活のあらゆる側面にまで及んでいます。自然農・自然建築・自然治癒術とのつながりは非常に深く、密接に絡み合っています。 日々の農作業で体の動きを整えてエネルギーの無駄をなくし、二十四節氣に同調することで、自然と一体になることを学ぶことが大切です。 私たちの祖先が行っていたように、畑や田んぼに足をつけて、シンプルで持続可能な生活を送ることは、トレーニングに完全性をもたらします。
Jinen-dō’s connection with natural farming and building methods as well as natural healing arts is deep and tightly intertwined. Realizing yourself as a part of nature and not separate from the natural world is the Jinendō way. Learning to flow with nature through the daily farm work by aligning your body movement to eliminate wasted energy and becoming Intune with twenty-four seasons is important. Farming and living a simple sustainable life as our ancestors did, brings a completeness to the training. Practicing an ancient martial art through the consciousness of a modern-day person, is quite a large handicap that is rarely overcome even with diligent training. To bring spiritual grounding and connection to the ancestors that have help to transmit the ancient training methods and techniques, it is highly advantageous to live a life of reduced waste and increased self-sufficiency. Jinendō training bridges the gap between the ancient martial arts methods and the physical and spiritual state of modern humans.
毎週末 金・土・日曜日
金曜日 19:00-21:00
土曜日 9:00-11:00 /19:00-21:00
日曜日 9:00-11:00
▶︎泊まりこみ稽古 (金・土・日の1泊2日もしくは2泊3日)
武術稽古参加費 1000円/1回 (入門した場合は月謝 3000円になります。)
入門費用 10000円
月謝 3000円(毎週の稽古代、宿泊代を含む)
Tel : 080-4247-6177
Mail : [email protected]
自然道 創始者:グロス ベンジャミン
The Schedule of practice of Martial arts
Practices will be held every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. These weekend intense training sessions are comprised of traditional martial arts practice and overnight stay/meals and related field work. The amount you participate in the three day training and applied fieldwork is up to you to decide.
▶︎Martial arts practice-
Practice date and time: Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Friday 19:00-21:00
Saturday 9:00-11:00, 19:00-21:00
Sunday 9:00-11:00
▶︎Overnight stay with training (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 1 night and 2 days or 2 nights and 3 days)
In addition to practicing martial arts, the students may work together in the field, work such as chopping wood, cooking in a stove, felling trees, laying stones, and farming. (Daily use of fire and various tools.) All work is an extended application of the methods of efficient body movement and breathing practices in the martial arts.
Meals are harvested from the garden and prepared and cooked together . The meals are all simple, organic, and plant based. The basic meal will consist of rice, soup and one dish.
▶︎Participation fee (limited practitioner or trial experience type)
One time trial martial arts training participation fee: 1000 yen
Please contact us if you are interested in overnight stay with training.
▶︎Jinendō official Entry and Monthly gratitude fee (full time practitioner )
Entry fee: 10,000 yen(one time only)
Monthly fee: 3,000 yen (includes weekly practice and accommodation and meal fees!).
Dogi (uniform)for beginners is an additional cost of about 7000 yen.
★Jinendō is the search for a way of life that accepts that we are part of nature and exists as it is. This concept may be hard to imagine, but whether it’s in martial arts or in daily life, the key is to practice letting go of unnecessary things and just be.
Jinendō training is recommended for the following people:
・First of all, those who are interested in martial arts (The practice content is even more interesting for those with previous experience.)
・Those who feel the need to unify mind and body.
・Those who want to experience the practical integration of martial arts and daily life.
・Those who want to use their body and mind well (eliminate unnecessary movements and develop a strong sense of center).
・Those who want to live naturally both physically and mentally.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us first.
Founder: Benjamin Gross
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 81-80-4247-6177
活動紹介 What's going on
武 ー 自然道武術の稽古
Jinen-Dō Martial arts practice
参加者募集中 Now accepting participants
醫 ー 活法術 自然療法
Natural Healing Therapy
農 ー 自然の理 農作業
Natural farming
Natural building
Planting various acorn trees every spring
Cleaning the forest
自然道 神伝武術の稽古参加者 募集中!
Now accepting participants for Martial arts training!